Miss Nelson Has A Field Day
Repeats every week every Saturday until Sun May 05 2013. April 6th - 2:00pm at
Orlando Shakespeare Theatre
Located in Loch Haven Park in North Orange.
812 E. Rollins St., Orlando, 32803
(407) 447-1700
This comedy musical presents the story of Miss Nelson and her determination to turn a talentless football team into champions. Hilarity ensues as Miss Nelson, the Coach Viola Swamp, and the students of Smedley Elementary School have a field day on their journey to triumph.
This is a family-friendly show, and activities and games will take place with the cast 10 minutes prior to each performance.
An ASL (American Sign Language) interpretted performance will take place on Saturday April 27 at 2 pm.
Tickets are ON SALE now and can be ordered online or at the box office.