Mini Beer School

September 28th - 4:00pm at Orlando Brewing

Learn about the ingredients, aromas, and tastes of a variety of beers, and enjoy a private tour of Orlando Brewing provided by company president John Cheek.

Just south of West Columbia.
1301 Atlanta Ave., Orlando, 32806
(407) 872-1117
  • Orlando Brewing will be having a liquid education class taught by Orlando Brewing company president John Cheek to celebrate the second weekend of Oktoberfest. John Cheek has been home brewing since 1987, and in 1989 founded the Central Florida Home Brewer’s Club. He saved Orlando Brewing from bankruptcy by taking over in 2004, and since then, has been brewing quality beer with organic ingredients according to the  the German Purity Law of 1516.

    Those who RSVP and sign up for the event will learn about four very different types of beers offered by Orlando Brewing, deciphering the ingredients, flavors, aromas, and the brewing process. The class includes a beer tasting to help educate attendees about the variety of beer.

    Following the fun, informational class, John Cheek, will be giving guests a private tour of the Orlando Brewing brewery.

    The event is $20 per person. Purchase tickets online at their website or call to reserve a spot.

    The event will be held at Orlando Brewing. To learn more about this brewery, view their profile page.

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