Florida Symphony Youth Orchestra
Profile Overview
The Florida Symphony Youth Orchestra began in 1957 in order to address the need to develope and cultivate the talents of young musicians alongside the Florida Symphony Orchestra.
In order to participate in the orchestra, you must audition. Students are expected to be hard working, committed to attending every rehearsal and concert, and passionate. The Florida Symphony YOuth Orchestra has varying membership fees, however, no student will be refused an opportunity to play with the orchestra because they cannot afford it, so ask about scholarships and payment plans.
Since then it has grown into 3 full orchestras, and 1 string training orchestra:
Overture Strings (ages 7 to 14) introduces students to performing in an orchestra.
Prelude Orchestra (ages 9 to 15) students regularly move around to encourage independence, passion, and skill.
Philharmonia Orchestra (ages 11 to 18) an advanced orchestra where seasoned students perform regularly in concerts.
Symphonic Orchestra (ages 13 to 20) an introduction to professional orchestra playing where students are challenged with literature and engage in numerous performances throughout the year.
Besides providing an exceptional learning experience for students dedicated to performing classical music, the Florida Symphony Youth Orchestra also plays across different venues throughout the year. Small ensembles are also available to play music for private events such as fundraisers and weddings.
The Florida Symphony Youth Orchestra practices at the College Park Baptist Church on Edgewater between Harvard and Yale.
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Admission | Ticket Prices
Option Tuition Price Overture Strings $200 Prelude $384 Philharmonia $435 Symphonic $460