Tomorrow is a Latter Day!
How do you prepare yourself for a Broadway musical from the creators of South Park? You don’t. It’s not possible. Think shock and awe, vulgarity, lots of cursing, middle fingers up high, pantomimed sex acts, and even one case of an intense bowl obstruction. And that’s just the tip of the appropriate-for-a-public-blog iceberg.
I’m madly in love with New York City and Broadway and always have been. I attended the theater magnet program at Dr. Phillips High School, and was fortunate enough to visit the city my junior and senior years and see lots of Broadway musicals.
Now that I'm older and have to pay for shows myself, I maybe squeeze in one musical per NYC trip, and a Broadway Across America touring show at Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre here and there.
One musical that always eluded me was The Book of Mormon, winner of nine Tony awards and praised by Vogue magazine as the filthiest and most offensive show of 2011, and possibly the funniest musical ever. Super fun fact (at least for me) — one of my friends from middle and high school, Michael James Scott, who is freaking ridiculously awesomely talented, starred in the Broadway production. A major friend fail, I never saw him in it, which has always saddened me greatly. So, I vowed to the Lord above that I would not miss it when it came to Orlando. And I kept that vow.
Oct. 29, 2013, opening night of The Book of Mormon at Bob Carr in downtown Orlando. There I was, an axious girl fulfilling a
lifelongtwo-year dream, clutching my ticket and Playbill (and glass of wine), waiting for the curtain to rise on the raunchiest, most hysterical show of my theater-watching career.
Didn't quite get the best angle to read all of the "maggots" boxers (top right). But maybe that's for the best.Obviously this musical isn’t for everyone. If you’re easily offended, don’t like in-your-face sexual situations, or aren’t a fan of religious humor, save your money and wait for Flashdance the Musical, coming to Bob Carr from Dec. 3-8.
But if you’re cool with totally offensive and vulgar singing and dancing, you will adore this satire about organized religion, musical theater and Mormonism, all with a sweetness and kindness that really makes you feel for and care about the main characters.
The show centers around two young Mormon men — one the most perfect Mormon ever, and the other a hyper fella who hasn’t read The Book of Mormon and has a vivid imagination (i.e. he lies a lot). They embark on a two-year mission to a small village in Uganda that’s being threatened by a brutal warlord named General Butt F$%#&ng Naked. The locals could care less about the “third installment of the Bible” (did you know it’s a trilogy?), and instead are a little more focused on things like starving to death, having their women circumcised by the aforementioned warlord, and contracting AIDS. Sounds fun, right?! Now throw in some black pants and white shirts, homosexual jokes, choreographed dysentery deaths, pelvic thrusts, sexual situations, doorbell ringing and South Park humor, and we have ourselves a musical!
I repeat, this show is NOT for the easily offended. But if you love to LOLOLOLOLOL at crass jokes and vulgarity doesn't bother you, 100% add The Book of Mormon to your “things to do in Orlando” list. It’s blasphemous and indecent, and yes, it’s OK to feel a little guilty for almost peeing in your pants because you’re laughing so hard and really maybe you shouldn’t be laughing so hard at a phenomenally choreographed song titled Hasa Diga Eebowai that translates to F&$k you, God, but the dancing is so awesome and the Mormons are so horrified and yeah … put this one in the guilty pleasure category.
Oh! Last note and then I shall leave you to your Ticketmaster and StubHub searching for tickets to this critically acclaimed musical (“Sure it’s crass, but the show is not without good intentions and, in any case, vindicates itself with musical panache,” said one reviewer.) — the songs are fun and Miley Cyrus-catchy, and the choreography is outstanding! If it were a show about mimes and/or mutes and all they could do was dance and pantomime, it would still be a $#@%&?@ joy to watch. Enjoy the show!
(Bob Carr tip — pre-order your intermission beverage at the bar before the show. It’ll be ready and waiting for you on the bar!)
I'm done LOLOLOLOLing and now I'm hungry! ...
Downtown Orlando has no shortages of places to dine. If you're looking for a downtown Orlando restaurant, try one of these on for size:
Piper's Downtown Sports Bar & Grill is a super friendly sports bar and great place to watch the latest game.
Chico's Dirty Tacos & Tequila has an awesome Mexican menu and specials on good ol' American beverages. With drink specials every night, it's a great late-night stop.
Beth's Burger Bar has completely customizable hamburgers and a fun selection of craft beers.